Updated 5.23.2022
The CARES Act requires landlords to provide 30 days' notice to vacate prior to requiring the tenant to vacate the unit if the property is subject to a federally backed loan. Tenants can obtain more information about resources that may be available to them at https://www.fanniemae.com/here-help-renters.
Blue Ridge wants to make every effort to help residents as best we can during this difficult time. We encourage you to explore the programs available near you. Click here to find rental assistance programs for your area.
The COVID-19 Rental Housing Support Initiative provides a mental health resource library to assist the multi-family industry employees and residents while coping through the pandemic and beyond. Click here to access this free library of information and resources.
Updated 5.19.2021
North Carolina residents are able to apply for rental assistance by clicking this link for the NC HOPE Program.
Virginia residents: Click here to view our Infectious Disease Plan
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